
The Thirty-Second Jewel PDF



General Details

Total Pages: 1096

Book Type: Business & Economics

Author: Constance M. Brown

The Thirty-Second Jewel PDF $360.00 $9.00


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About eBook:

“The Thirty-Second Jewel gives advanced financial market traders, investors, and analysts the technical analysis skills that have been evolved over a career by a global leader.

This book contains an extensive, long anticipated, major release of W. D. Gann’s methods of Price and Time, and it includes detailed information about the Law of Vibration with application. The book contains an analysis of Panics-r 800 to 205 o. Other topics include: Global Cash flow, Euclidean geometry, Harmonic Cycle

Analysis, Pythagorean applications, Advanced Fibonacci, Critical Reasoning and Logic Trees for Decision Analysis. Nothing is withheld. (ADVANCED LEVEL)” -provided by the Author/Publisher.

Table of Content

Global Cash Flow Analysis

  • Chapter One – A Study of England ‘s 19th Century Panics and Global Repercussions
  • Chapter Two – Identifying the Lead or Lagging Market

Fibonacci Confluence Zones

  • Chapter Three – A Common Error by Readers of “Fibonacci Analysis”

The Elliott Wave Principle

  • Chapter Four – The Elliott Wave Principle: Common Misunderstanding
  • Chapter Five – The Composite Index with the Elliott Wave Principle

Problem-Solving Skills – Logic Algorithms and Critical Reasoning

  • Chapter Six – Structured Critical Reasoning
  • Chapter Seven – Socratic Questioning

Trading Rules and Risk Management

  • Chapter Eight – Gann Rules I Regret Breaking, Yet Survived to Tell

The 32nd Jewel: Gann Analysis – Part 1

  • Chapter Nine – Down the Rabbit Hole
  • Chapter Ten – Music Can Be Understood Geometrically
  • Chapter Eleven – Gann Geometry Basics
  • Chapter Twelve – Geometric Study of Harmonic Division
  • Chapter Thirteen – Other Geometries: The Ellipse, the Helix and Pentagram
  • Chapter Fourteen – The e-Mail read: “Why Don’t You Ask Her? Elinor Smith is Still Alive.”
  • Chapter Fifteen – Gann’s Mystery in a Suitcase: The Unpublished Formulae
  • Chapter Sixteen – The Law of Vibration
  • Chapter Seventeen – How Gann Hides the Law of Vibration in Tunnel Thru the Air
  • Chapter Eighteen – Astronomy and Hermetic Universal Astro-Sciences
  • Chapter Nineteen – The Zodiac and The Fiercely Guarded Secret

The 32nd Jewel: Gann Analysis: Part 2 – Price and Time

  • Chapter Twenty – Gann Time Cycles Evaluated
  • Chapter Twenty-One – Lesson One: Planetary Lines, Averages, Midpoints, More Diagonal Geometry
  • Chapter Twenty-Two – Lesson Two: Fan Angles, Angles from Zero, and Balance
  • Chapter Twenty-Three – Lesson Three: Angles, Aspects, Trend Duration, and Harmonic Angles
  • Chapter Twenty-Four – Lesson Four:  Trading Solar and Lunar Eclipses
  • Chapter Twenty-Five – Lesson Five: Swing Charts
  • Chapter Twenty-Six – Lesson Six: Squaring Price and Time
  • Chapter Twenty-Seven – Lesson Seven: The Mathematics Behind Gann’s Coffee Letter
  • Chapter Twenty-Eight – Lesson Eight: Price to Longitude Applied
  • Chapter Twenty-Nine – Lesson Nine: Time/Price Charts – The Gann Wheels
  • Chapter Thirty – Lesson Ten: Master Eggs Course – The Circle and Triangle Calculators
  • Chapter Thirty-One – Lesson Eleven: U.S. 10-Yr Treasury Notes – Computer Modelling Using Astronomical Cycle Formulae
  • Chapter Thirty-Two – Lesson Twelve: A Full 360-Degree Return to England‘s 19th Century Panics using Gann Analysis
  • Chapter Thirty-Three – A Letter to the United Grand Lodge of England on Behalf of Gann


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