
Van Tharp – Tharp Think Essentials Video Workshop


File Size 3.53 GB
Downloadable Yes
Access Lifetime
Language English
Instructor Van Tharp
Publisher vantharp
Van Tharp Think Essentials Video Workshop
Van Tharp – Tharp Think Essentials Video Workshop $1,200.00 $149.00


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About Course:

Learn how you are programmed by “the Matrix” and, more importantly, how to clear your old programming to create more useful beliefs that support your trading and a well-balanced life.

In this course, you’ll learn ways to recognize your old programming and start the reprogramming process including:

  • Recognizing your key beliefs that limit you
  • Learning how to reprogram them
  • Understanding how to use feeling release to unlock stuck beliefs that you know hold you back
  • Learning some of your mental strategies, such as how you convince yourself that something works, whether it actually does or not

Van refers to his successful trading principles collectively as Tharp Think.  He has been teaching his Tharp Think workshop many years but updated it in 2014 to include important additional information his research has revealed.

Van takes the mystery out of trading successfully by helping you understand critical questions that most traders don’t even consider.

Who you are as a trader,

How your personal psychology can work for you instead of against you,

How to think about and manage risk, and

How to develop winning trading systems.



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